Scenario: Day 2 of my stupid fat loss diet. The morning went well. I played tennis for an hour then did an hour walk with my dog. No breakfast until 10am. For breakfast I had ‘Cafe ala Lara’- coffee with a LOT of coffee mate and a teaspoon of sugar, left over chicken jalfreezi (very little really) and some crab meat. Nothing else to eat until after training (weights lower body). Had some roast chicken breast and a couple of gerkins after (around 2pm). All good so far! Amazing me!
Home time. Four kids screaming at me. Homework. Tennis. Football. Dentist…RED WINE. That’s the way to go or I turn into a nag I can’t stand. Really! Wine must have some positive effects- mostly as a relaxant and mothers’ little helper. Seriously. How else can one survive such tedium? My friend calls it ‘ennui’. Raising four children full time can at times lead to lethargy and listlessness, particularly if one hasn’t made parenting a career. I sure haven’t! I’m a totally flawed mother I admit it. I love my children but they sure as hell annoy me. They are ANNOYING! Just the noise they make can drive one over the edge, let along to alcoholism.